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Kansas Department of Commerce Incentives

Whether you are looking for the right location in which to invest or resources for business expansion, job creation or international trade, the Kansas Department of Commerce (KDC) is dedicated to your success in our state.

Promoting Employment Across Kansas (PEAK) – offers qualified companies the ability to retain 95 percent of their payroll withholding tax for up to five to ten years. 

Kansas Industrial Training (KIT) – training incentive program to benefit companies creating net-new jobs in the state of Kansas.

Kansas Industrial Retraining (KIR) – job retention tool that helps employees of restructuring companies who are likely to be displaced because of obsolete or inadequate job skills and knowledge.

Workforce Aligned with Industry Demand (AID) – addresses the skills gap currently challenging companies.

Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) Economic Development Program – funds transportation improvements that can be shown to support job growth and capital investments in the state.

Kansas International Trade Marketing Assistance Program (KITMAP) – provides funding for Kansas businesses to start or expand their exporting sales through engaging in various marketing activities including overseas sales trips.

Kansas International Trade Show Assistance Program (KITSAP) – can help a Kansas business make international connections and increase their exports.

State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) – helps small businesses located in Kansas begin to export and existing exporters expand.

High Performance Incentive Program (HPIP) – provides tax incentives to qualifying employers who pay above average wages, commitment to training and skill development for their workers.

Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRBs) – are the most popular and cost-effective methods of financing up to 100 percent of a growing business’ land, building and equipment.

Sales Tax Credits and Exemptions – a variety of programs available that offer significant savings to companies.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – a source of financing for companies that are expanding an existing facility or starting a new operation in a non-metropolitan area of Kansas.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) – a real estate redevelopment tool applicable to industrial, commercial, intermodal transportation area and residential projects.

Sales Tax and Revenue (STAR) Bonds – a financing tool that allows Kansas municipalities to issue bonds to finance the development of major commercial, entertainment and tourism projects.

Additional Tax Credits, Rebates and Exemptions

Corporate Income Tax

Real Property Tax Abatement

Personal Property Tax Exemption

Kansas Capital Multiplier Loan Fund

Kansas Capital Multiplier Venture Fund

Topeka has three opportunity zones all situated within a few minutes of interstate highways and class I rail systems. Situated in the middle of the U.S, there is an infrastructure built for business.

More about Opportunity Zones

Federal Opportunity Zones – offers investors preferential tax treatment for capital gains invested in designated low-income communities.

Minority & Women Business Development – promotes business development with a focus on disadvantages, minority and women owned businesses.

Private Activity Bonds – useful resource for organizations wishing to implement projects within their communities to support their citizens.

Property Tax Abatement Assistance – provides instruction and technical assistance for nonresidential entities applying for economic and/or industrial revenue bond tax abatements.

Rural Opportunity Zones – offers state income tax waivers and/or student loan repayment to new, full time Kansas residents.

Kansas Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit – is equal to 25 percent of qualifying expenses incurred during a qualified project on a qualified building. 

Historic Preservation Fund – finances local preservation activities that will contribute to planning for the preservation of the built environment and archeological resources. 

Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) Brownfields Program – can provide Brownfields Targeted Assessments (BTA) to eligible applicants on projects that benefit community needs or job creation. 

NetWork Kansas – matching loan programs are designed to support private capital by providing matching funds to assist startups and existing businesses that are expanding.